The reasons for learning robotics go a lot deeper than just because it’s interesting or it’s fun to build your own robot. Teaching or learning coding for robotics is all about preparing the youth of today for the world of tomorrow where hi-tech solutions will replace more than 40 percent of conventional jobs.
At Aerobotics Global, our objective is not just to help young learners acquire technical skills. Instead, we aim to provide them the knowledge, capabilities, and exposure they need to survive and thrive in today’s dynamic and ever-changing world. To make this possible, we offer our young audiences an opportunity to learn, explore, innovate, and discover new realms by leveraging on the unlimited potential of robotics.
Why Teach Robotics?
Robotics covers an incredibly large array of topics. Considered to be the 4th ‘R’ in education, it can be used to help students grasp abstract mathematics and science concepts, as well as to improve their communication skills, problem-solving abilities, and creativity. Research suggests that teaching robotics results in a higher degree of student interest and engagement, as well as creates a competitive classroom environment that drives motivation and desire to succeed.
Many teachers might ask why teach robotics when there are many other concepts to cover with the students? The answer is simple and evidence-backed. Teaching robotics is an effective way to engage students in science, technology, engineering, and math (referred to as STEM) concepts and to equip them with the skills and expertise they will need in order to build a rewarding career in today’s technology-driven world.
Why Learn Robotics?
Today, robots are driving cars, working as bartenders, filling and dispensing prescriptions, cutting the crops, and even reviewing legal documents in a more efficient and accurate manner than humans. In fact, robots have become more a part of everyday life than many of us realize. In fact, as people who study and build robots, we can foresee a day not to far off when robots will replace a large proportion of jobs held by human beings today.
Considering this life-changing impact, robotics is no longer a nice-to-have extra-curricular subject for students of today. In fact, the science of robots is central to where we all are heading. Therefore, if you learn robotics today, you will have more options tomorrow. In near future, when robots will be performing surgeries, operating machines, and driving cars, more jobs will involve programming robots, optimizing their design, controlling their operation. Therefore, whether or not you aim to become a professional roboticist, learning robotics has become more like a necessity for the young individuals who aspire to become a successful professional in any discipline.
[1] Barnes, J. (2002). Teaching introductory Java through LEGO mindstorms models. SIGCSE ’02. Proceedings of the 33rd SIGCSE Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education
[2] Vex Robotics, Inc. (2010). VEX education overview.