Self Balancing Robot using Arduino Components Required: Arduino Uno Motor Driver L298N Gyroscope + Accelerometer Module – MPU6050 Motors, Battery, Jumper Wires and the Chassis. The […]
Intelligent Line Follower Problem Statement Consider the image above, a pick-up section has been assigned from where the robot will be loaded manually with some load. […]
What is the future of robotics? Where is Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning leading us? Will we really be living in an automated in world that […]
Today, an historically unprecedented number of girls are studying and excelling in mathematics, engineering, technology, and science. Yet the dramatic educational achievement of girls in other […]
It would not be wrong to say that artificial intelligence is the single most disruptive technology that we have witnessed. The Industrial revolution is combined with […]
The robots have not just landed in the workplace; but they are replacing human workers by showing them incredible productivity and efficiency. From McDonald’s “Create Your […]
The reasons for learning robotics go a lot deeper than just because it’s interesting or it’s fun to build your own robot. Teaching or learning coding […]