June 18, 2018
Programs for kids

Self Balancing robot using Arduino

Self Balancing Robot using Arduino Components Required: Arduino Uno Motor Driver L298N Gyroscope + Accelerometer Module – MPU6050 Motors, Battery, Jumper Wires and the Chassis. The […]
July 17, 2017

Intelligent Line Follower Using Arduino

Intelligent Line Follower Problem Statement Consider the image above, a pick-up section has been assigned from where the robot will be loaded manually with some load. […]
July 7, 2017

Edge detector Robot using Arduino

Edge detector Robot using Arduino Edge detector Robot – Robot that can move on the table and is able to detect the edges and preventing itself […]
April 14, 2017
after school programs for kids

Women in STEM

Today, an historically unprecedented number of girls are studying and excelling in mathematics, engineering, technology, and science. Yet the dramatic educational achievement of girls in other […]
April 14, 2017
robotics and artificial intelligence

Robotics and Artificial Intelligence

It would not be wrong to say that artificial intelligence is the single most disruptive technology that we have witnessed. The Industrial revolution is combined with […]
February 27, 2017

Why Robotics

The reasons for learning robotics go a lot deeper than just because it’s interesting or it’s fun to build your own robot. Teaching or learning coding […]