

Learn more about Python language in 2024

You’ve probably heard a lot about Python languages, but how much do you really know about them? Let’s dive into the world of programming, exploring what they are, their historical roots, and the diverse range of applications.

Python is a prevalent general purpose dynamically typed high-level programming language often used for machine learning and data analysis. In this modern day, we have a lot of programming languages available. So, what is the first thing that comes to your mind when you hear the word PYTHON? Is it the ferocious snake or an interesting programming language? PYTHON is not that complex It is a high-level dynamic programming language Python code has a very NATURAL style to it which makes it easy to read and understand. Python can also handle a multitude of different jobs from machine learning to data analytics, web development testing and so on. 

Do you know who invented PYTHON?  

Python was invented by a Dutch programmer Guido van Rossum popularly known as the author of the Python program. Initially released in 1991 at CWI in the Netherlands.  

Ever wondered why it is named python  

while implementing Python Van Rossum was also reading the published scripts from “Monty Python’s Flying Circus” He got inspired by the series and named it. 

Why is it so popular? 

Python is the world’s fastest-growing and most popular programming language not just among software engineers, but also among mathematics, data analysis, scientists, accountants, networking engineers, and even kids! Because it’s a very beginner-friendly programming language. So, people from different disciplines use Python for a variety of different tasks, such as data analysis and visualization, artificial intelligence and machine learning, and automation. Python solves complex problems in less time with fewer lines of code. 

Features of Python 

  • Simple and easy to learn  
  • Freeware and open-source  
  • Platform independent  
  • Rich library  


Five neat facts about python 

What Python is and how it is created  

Python, an interpreted high-level general-purpose programming language, originated from the creative mind of Guido van Rossum. It was first released in 1991 and what made Python so special was that Guido went ahead and created this as a hobby project.  

Poem about Python programming 

The second interesting thing is A poem about Python programming. A man named Tim Peters composed a poem called As The Zen of python-on-python Programming simply type import this on the interpreter and execute it in order to read this fascinating poem About python 

Python has overtaken French in primary schools  

This language surpassed French as a primary school language in 2015 according to the statistics about 60℅ of the parents would prefer their children to learn Python rather than learning French. 

Python is one of Google’s official programming languages  

Google extensively utilizes Python due to its efficiency. Its ease of use, particularly on larger projects, provides a significant advantage to Google. Even YouTube relies on Python programming for its operations.

There are C and Java variants in Python 

The C derivative known as C python was built to give Python the benefits of C and jython is Python’s Java implementation. Which gives us the features of Java such as productivity to be used in Python. 


Top 5 reasons to learn Python in 2024  

  • The first reason we have is Python is versatile. “Python proves its versatility across a wide spectrum of applications, including artificial intelligence, data science, machine learning, web development, embedded systems, graphic design, data mining, gaming, and more. Users prefer Python for its simpler and more efficient approach compared to other languages, such as R and Java, that serve similar purposes.”
  • The second reason why you should learn Python in 2024. Python is the fastest-growing programming language and fastest-growing language in the world. It is the primary language for many applications. 
  •  The third reason that is Python is beginner-friendly. The main reason why Python is an excellent choice for beginners is its simplicity. Python supports English-like syntax and emphasizes concise, easy-to-read code, making it highly accessible for beginners venturing into coding for the first time.
  • The fourth reason we have is Python libraries and frameworks. Python provides numerous libraries and frameworks that cater to every user and its clients. such as Numpy, Pandas, Django, Flask  
  • The fifth reason we have is Python for data visualization. Python is a great programming language for data analysis and data visualization.                                    


In conclusion, Python is a crucial part of the digital world. I hope you’ve learned a lot about its importance and story. Happy coding with Python!”

At AerobticsGlobal, we offer coding & robotics classes for kids, focusing on empowering them in the exciting field of coding robotics. Our aim is to provide accessible resources, making coding learning easier for everyone, especially in coding & robotics. Currently, we offer both online and offline classes in basic coding and robotics. To give it a try, we have free trial coding classes for kids. Moreover, our holiday courses for kids have started, so don’t miss the opportunity to let your kids explore the fascinating world of coding!

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